Netflix – Customer insight of the week S01E03

Tagado is changing the way companies gather and use customer feedback with our NLP-based tool. 

As part of our “Customer insight of the week” series, we will uncover actionable insights about well-known products that were easily discovered through Tagado’s platform. 

Stay tuned for more episodes…

The next free insight can be for you 😉


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Tagado is changing the way companies gather and use customer feedback with our NLP-based tool.  As part of our “Customer insight of the week” series,…
Your customers are everywhere. Do you need to listen to everything that they are saying?  No.  But you do need to listen to the important…
Tagado is changing the way companies gather and use customer feedback with our NLP-based tool.  As part of our “Customer insight of the week” series,…

Bringing your customers' voice to the decision table