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Navigating the expansive realm of Customer Experience (CX) data presents businesses with both challenges and opportunities. While customer feedback serves as a valuable resource for…
With a plethora of alternative choices available for consumers in every product and service category, a positive customer experience has become a key differentiator. This…
In the vast and dynamic landscape of customer feedback, finding and monitoring trends is fraught with challenges. One of the primary challenges businesses encounter is…
Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys have become a staple in gauging customer loyalty and satisfaction for businesses across various industries. However, while these surveys provide…
NEW YORK, February 21, 2024 — Tagado, the AI analytics provider of high-res CX data intelligence, has announced the launch of its new feedback trends…
Customer experience has emerged as a key differentiator for businesses. This has sparked the rise of customer-centric strategies that are fueled by insights drawn from…


Feedback from customers can fuel business growth and drive customer-centric strategies. As organizations seek to better understand their customers, leveraging customer feedback analytics has become…
Are you exhausted by the struggle to understand customer feedback? Discover the power of advanced AI for customer feedback analytics In today’s dynamic high-tech landscape,…
In today’s digital era, companies are inundated with an overwhelming amount of customer feedback. Whether it’s through social media, online reviews, or direct communication, businesses…
The evolution of CRM systems: From single function to multi-functional platforms In the ever-evolving business ecosystem, companies find themselves in an unavoidable race to adopt…
The streaming entertainment industry is fiercely competitive and providers are facing a daunting challenge in securing their market share. In order to succeed in this…
In today’s era of rapid AI advancement, businesses across industries are eagerly exploring the potential of emerging technologies to enhance their operations. Customer experience professionals,…

Bringing your customers' voice to the decision table